June 2015 - Between the Pages - Jules Nyquist
Winter Elise
Poetry. The word strikes one’s heart with an intense reaction, sometimes positive and sometimes negative, but it’s always there. Jules Nyquist, a transplant to the Land of Enchantment, wants to bring play to poetry. Hailing from St Paul, Minnesota, Nyquist grew up with a library for a babysitter. She read all things she could get her hands in those days and still does. She began to write in elementary school. By high school poetry held a special meaning for her. Skipping college, in lieu of a vocational school, Nyquist went on to work in computers for years, before getting involved in the art community.
While living in St Paul she began working with a non-profit called Loft Literary Center. This plunged her head on into the writing community. She began attending Metro State University at night to complete her degree in writing. She feels privileged to have been given the chance to volunteer for an independent radio station and host a radio show on KFA. The radio show she was on for years gave her the opportunity to talks with and interview hundreds of writers from all genres. During this time, she started a residency program at Bennington College in Vermont. The program ran for 10 days in January and June. The rest of the year large envelopes were mailed monthly between the instructors and the students. The experience helped Nyquist hone her skills and connect with writers from all over the world.
McDonald's 1972
Dad took us there
When Mom was sick
Or else we never would be allowed to go
Hamburger in paper wrapper
Hot, crisp French Fries
Ketchup cups, paper
Orange booths, yellow walls
How my Brother and I begged
To go back.
“Don’t quit your day job and read everything.” Nyquist’ advice to struggling writers of all genres. Now she is bringing play and direction to the writing community. The Poetry Playhouse (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jules-Poetry-Playhouse/287170991327308?fref=ts) happens in and around Old Town. The group gathers at different locations and anyone can read a short piece of poetry or fiction written about the subject of the meeting. It’s also a place where traveling poets can stay and perform. “Play is needed for creativity,” says Nyquist. This is why one her classes is called Food is Metaphor. The class focus is on food relationships, memories, feelings, and comfort to write poetry and help people to find their voice. Nyquist offers creative coaching for people to help them discover their creative side. The first meeting always happens in person and then by phone after that. The idea is to give people someone to talk to and be liable for completing projects. Check out http://www.julesnyquist.com/ for more details on how she can help you release the artist within.
An inspiring woman helping to inspire a city, Jules Nyquist, a finalist in the New Mexico and Arizona book awards, writes from the heart and from her taste buds.