March 2015 - Let Us Entertain You: Women of the World Poetry Slam
Winter Elise
This year, Albuquerque is home to the 8th Annual Women of the World Poetry Slam on March 18-21 all over Downtown. Poetry slams are live dramatic readings of poems. Still not interested? Well, how about this. Five members of the audience are chosen and given scorecards. The audience then cheers and boos the judge’s rankings. So no dark smoke-filled coffee shops filled with misery. There will be 72 constants flying in from as far as New Zealand to compete.
On March 18, at Stereo Bar, the WOWPS kicks off with the Last Chance Slam. 71 slots at the event are taken this slam is a competition the first night for slot 72. It’s also the only slot contestants don’t have to rise up through the ranks to claim. Yes, you read that correctly. Across the world there are hubs for poetry slam competitors. They compete and hone their skills for this and other poetry slam competitions. This isn’t just people reading poetry, this is people doing performance art.
When a slam poet takes the stage they are dynamic and expressive similar to an actor performing Shakespeare. Sometimes the poems they read are written out over years and some make them up right on the spot. Judges are chosen from the audience to score the performers on their pieces. But, here is where it gets really fun. The audience can cheer or boo the judges decisions and influence score changes - a truly interactive poetry event. So, if you don’t think you like poetry, or expect it to be a smoke-filled room with emo teenagers, you couldn’t be more wrong. Excitement and competition that will rival your local sporting events, this is a weekend not to be missed.